About Us

if.else builds intelligent customer journeys - this means: whatever we do - wo design it to last & convince. We see CX (Customer Experience) as a Key Differentiator when bringing a digital product to life. This is why we work hard on our Development Skills and also on doing the right questions to understand you and your customer in order to design an appealing product with a good customer experience.

We are a Zurich-Based Development & Automation Boutique.


Founded in


Engineers together with our partner company "LambdaLoopers" in Spain


years in Business (earlier as blum group & source4u Software)

Over 17 years of experience

Since 2005, we have helped over 25 companies to launch their websites, products, apps or digital marketing campaigns. We believe that the best digital solutions are built at the intersection of business, strategy, technology, and real user's needs.

Things can get really complex, really quickly, and a pragmatic and clear vision is essential to be able to create something that, after all, is meant to inspire, to attract, or simply to be used. Emotions play a big role and developing beautiful aesthetics is of the utmost importance to create a pleasant environment in which the user actually enjoys the time spent in it. In the end, we all enjoy beautiful things that just work.

if-else, the name comes from the programmatic condition if (condition) {} else {}, when you describe a condition handling, and depending on the outcome of the condition the if-block, or the else-block gets executed. But it was actually meant to describe customer journeys, where you offer the (potential) customer different ways to interact or engage with your company. if he does that, you do that, else you offer something else. When you think broader this applies to many situations, not only in marketing but in all interactions with human beings. Our aspiration is to offer the best if-else conditions for your target group. Customer Journeys that win.

Yours sincerly,

Tobias Blum


The Team behind

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Founder / CEO

Tobias Blum

I founded my first company at the age of 15. Since then, I am dedicated to archieve the best result for my clients. I am only happy when the customer is as well. A lot of Business Relationships turned into Friendships over the years, because together we succeeded with heart and soul.

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Chief Technical Officer

Eduard Barroso

I support our clients in their decision regarding technologies. Sometimes "old" but working is better than new and error-prone.

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Sales & Back Office

Juliane Bauer

I give a hand in many different daily operations and I’m especially happy to be in contact with our customers. Coming from the field of Social Sciences, I enjoy getting to know people’s heart projects and helping to realize them!

Team Team Team Team Team Team
Team of Developers

In Spain & Switzerland

Together with our Partner Company in Spain and our Freelancer Network in Switzerland, we can offer you around 30 developers, UX / UI designers, architects, product owners & marketing experts to realize your project.